
• Cabin Camp Pacifica • FFA 
• Scholarships • Annual Crab Feed & Auction with Raffle 
• Eye Exams/Eye Glasses • Labor Day Parade 
• Sober Grad Night • Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 
• WiFi for Fairgrounds • Papers for Kids 
• High School Football Banquet • Replace Cooler at Fairgrounds 
• Search & Rescue BBQ • School Pantry 
• High School/Youth Sports Sponsorships  • Donations to Food Bank & St. Mary’s Dining Hall
Stockton Delta Pacifica Lions donated to St. Mary’s Dinning Hall in Stockton to feed the hungry during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We were able to donate money received from our Drive-Thru Pulled Pork Dinner we had a few months ago in the community. Those pictured are Lion Judi Howell and Lion Paul King.
Lion Judi Howell and Lion Paul King giving a donation to the Stockton Emergency Food Bank for the needy during the COVID-19 Pandemic.